It’s deep. You won’t get it !

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
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It was already a frustrated day. I used to do this as some routine. SHITTING ABOUT ME/MY LIFE. Now it became a blog post (My four years of B.E feeling so proud).

I hated how that place looked. How could creativity flow in such places? Still, people around me were laughing and trying to do some thing.

One of my friends sitting next to me tried to show some random reels to laugh together. And he was laughing already. I couldn’t hurt him saying ‘I am not interested’. So, I peaked a little bit, understood “of course somebody is roasting somebody”. I quoted, “Oh” smiling a little.

Instead of getting back to my grumbling session, I looked at his face for a second. “How happy he is!”, I thought. How simple his thoughts are! (SIMPLE BUT EFFECTIVE, Harry Styles winking)


There, I made it complicated again. Why can’t I just let it be? Maybe this is a problem. I have googled endlessly, ‘is it normal to have thousand thoughts at the same time ?’

Wikipedia said normality is just a conformity with society. (Pardon my sentence formation). But that doesn’t make sense right. Nowadays we’re in this “DON’T CARE” era. Also, it said usually normal people will be considered as boring and uninteresting. But dude, normal people are actually happy and content. I am definitely not happy/content. Plus, not interesting. Maybe I am jealous. But of whom? GODDDDD!

That’s when that same friend of mine opened a discussion on topic “FEMINISM”. It started like,

ME: Friendly, smooth, I jumped a bit, a lot more jumps, crossed my saturation temper and it was a well heated argument now.

MY FRIEND: Friendly, very friendly, laughs, laughs, coming to a settlement, trying to show some relevant content in his Instagram saves, laughs and he is still laughing.

I don’t know how to get him serious and I don’t know what was there to laugh. In tense, I threw some worst cliché.

ME: “You are not a girl. You will never understand”.

Immediate regret of saying that!

MY FRIEND: Of course, thrown a bang of laughter again but this time he added, “You are the only girl still talking about feminism. Other girls who all I know hate themselves to be identified as FEMINISTS” and again LAUGHING.

ME: My anger was so confused and don’t know how to react to that. I am angry and also sad. My let’s answer like Priyanka Chopra was dissolved into grounds (like bhusvanam). So, I ended that conversation with,

“You know what, it’s deep. People like you won’t get it”.

PS : I am not a misandrist.

PS : That guy who I argued with is actually a good person but just makes fun too much about too many.

That’s how many of my conversations end. Is this because I am not clear at proving my point or it’s just how it is? 

Now, tell me what is your it’s deep you won’t get it moment ? or I sense you win the argument all the time, huh!